Here we focus on advising primarily small and medium-sized companies in drafting of contracts and in corporate law issues of partnerships or corporations (GmbH, AG) or in disputes between shareholders. Dr. Siohl also has experience in international corporate law, for example in the negotiation and preparation of cross-border corporate mergers or acquisitions (M&A) involving European and non-European companies.
In this regard we are also helped by the knowledge of corporate law and tax law that attorney Dr. Michael acquired through his work in a financial consulting and auditing firm. He is a specialist attorney in tax law. In his work, he does not restrict himself to business consultation and design, but also works on judicially enforcing claims or defending against claims of third parties.
contact person

Dr. Andreas Michael
Attorney at Law
Tel: +49 69 6330080

Dr. Ulrich Siohl
Attorney at Law
Tel: +49 69 6330080